What Do You Need To Know About All-On-Six Dental Implants?

28 August 2023
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Implants are often the best option for restoring a patient's smile, regardless of how many teeth they need to replace. If you are someone who has lost most or all of your teeth, the thought of dentures may have crossed your mind. While they are a viable alternative, they can be uncomfortable, cumbersome, and require a lot of maintenance. Enter all-on-six dental implants, so what do you need to know about them?

Understanding These Implants

All-on-six dental implants are a full set of prosthetic teeth that are attached to six dental implants in each arch of the mouth. The procedure is primarily used for patients who have lost most or all of their teeth and are looking for a way to restore their smile and bite strength. The six implants serve as anchors to which the prosthetic teeth are attached, providing a sturdy foundation to chew and eat like normal.

What's the Primary Advantage?

These solutions are known as an immediate load implant. This means that on the same day as the surgery, the patient walks out with a full set of functioning teeth. It's a welcome development for patients who don't want to be without their teeth for an extended amount of time. With the traditional implant, a patient typically has to wait a few months before the implants are stable enough to support the prosthetic teeth.

How Are They Installed?

These implants can be installed faster and are less invasive than the traditional solution. The six implants are strategically placed into the jawbone, with two of the implants angled at an approximately 45-degree angle at the back of the jaw. This gives the implants added stability which can support the prosthetic teeth for years.

How Do You Look After Them?

Maintenance is straightforward. You would care for them as you would with natural teeth by maintaining proper oral hygiene. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings are vital to ensure that the implants are in good shape and that the prosthetic teeth fit well. Poor oral hygiene is often responsible for complications such as gum disease, cavities, and implant failure.

Are They a Solution for Periodontal Disease?

All-on-six dental implants are a viable option for patients who have lost their teeth as a result of periodontal disease, trauma, or injury. They provide a cost-effective solution compared to the traditional implant and denture options, making them accessible to more patients. However, not everyone is a good candidate for these dental implants. An evaluation is necessary from your dental provider to determine if they are a suitable fit for your situation.

What to Bear in Mind

All-on-six dental implants may be the solution you've been searching for to restore your smile and your confidence. For more info about dental implants, contact a local company. 
